Causes of Vertigo in McKinney, TX
Vertigo is frequently the result of an inner ear problem. Some of the most common causes of vertigo include1: BPPV – Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo occurs when small particles of calcium clog...
View ArticleVertigo & Your Brain Stem: the Key to Getting Well?
Dizziness accounts for approximately 5-6% of all trips to the doctor. It affects about 40% of all adults over the age of 40, and becomes more common as people age.1 People may experience only...
View ArticleDizziness and Vertigo Relief in McKinney, TX
Dizziness and vertigo can be scary events. Feeling off-balance can affect your ability to not only walk and drive, but it can also affect your quality of life during those attacks. Nausea and vomiting...
View ArticleIdentifying Meniere’s Disease and Finding Relief
Meniere’s disease is a problem of the inner ear and is known for the following combination of symptoms: Ringing in the ear referred to as tinnitus Loss of hearing ability. This can be intermittent in...
View ArticleVertigo—Looking for the Underlying Cause
Often, the reason behind vertigo has to do with bacteria that causes inflammation and swelling of the vestibular nerve. This is called vestibular neuritis, also known as Labyrinthitis. The vestibular...
View ArticleVertigo Care That Provides Lasting Relief
Do you suffer from the condition known as vertigo? This form of dizziness if often described by patients as the feeling that the world is spinning around them. Really it describes any false sensation...
View ArticleWhat Causes the Spinning Sensation of Vertigo?
Vertigo is the feeling that the person or the things around him are spinning when, in fact, there is no movement at all. When the problem is related to head position, this is known as benign paroxysmal...
View ArticleHelp for Those Suffering from Meniere’s
Meniere’s disease typically affects those in the age range of 20-50. Attacks can come on suddenly and last anywhere from 20 minutes to as long as 4 hours. This disrupts the life of the one suffering...
View ArticleHow Proper Spinal Alignment Aids in Vertigo Relief
Vertigo has been defined as a spinning sensation of either the person experiencing it or the things surrounding him. It is the feeling of movement when there is no movement. Between 5 and 10% of the...
View ArticleSuccessful Vertigo Relief Method in McKinney, Texas
If you ever feel like the room spinning or have other false sensations of motion, then you are experiencing vertigo. Acute attacks can come about suddenly and last anywhere from a few moments to a few...
View ArticleHow McKinney, TX Resident Are Coping with Dizziness
Around 15% of people experience dizziness at one time or another. The number jumps to as much 40% as a person gets older. Dizziness is one of the main reasons that people visit their primary care...
View ArticleNatural Help for Meniere’s Disease in McKinney, Texas
Meniere’s disease symptoms can flare up at any time and make it difficult to carry out normal daily activities. This is because Meniere’s disease a vestibular condition – the system of the body that...
View ArticleVertigo and Meniere’s Sufferers Finding Relief in McKinney, Texas
Meniere’s disease has vertigo as one of its major symptoms and is often referred to as idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops. This condition makes normal daily activities difficult during an attack. Many...
View ArticleVertigo Sufferers Finding Relief at Crowder Specific Chiropractic
If you have endured an injury to your head or neck – such as whiplash, a sporting injury, or even a trip and fall – you can expect to see problems increase as you age, especially if it was not properly...
View ArticleMeniere’s Disease: Getting Back Control of Your Life
Meniere’s disease falls under the category of an inner ear condition. It was named after Prosper Meniere, a French doctor who discovered that it was actually a condition of the ear, rather than the...
View ArticleCorrecting Spinal Alignment and Ending Dizziness
How is dizziness best described? When dizziness is a disorder, it is placed into three categories: Vertigo: This is the false sensation that your surroundings are spinning around you, very similar to...
View ArticleAlleviating Dizziness with a Simple Spinal Adjustment
Let’s start by discussing what dizziness is. When dizziness is a disorder, it falls into three categories: Vertigo: The feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning about — similar to being on a...
View ArticleWhat Causes the Spinning Sensation of Vertigo?
Vertigo is the feeling that the person or the things around him are spinning when, in fact, there is no movement at all. When the problem is related to head position, this is known as benign paroxysmal...
View ArticleWhat Are the Natural Remedies for Meniere’s Disease?
Before considering invasive procedures such as surgeries and injections for your Meniere’s disease, make sure to check out every other available option for you. I am a professional chiropractor for...
View Article5 Vertigo Facts You Wish Your Doctor Had Explained to You
The first time that you encountered vertigo, you probably thought it was just an awful case of dizziness. In that episode, you could have gone to a professional chiropractor for vertigo in McKinney,...
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